Posts in Sermon
The Promise and The Purpose #66 - Set Your Focus

Everyone is not on the same mission as you, they might not get what you are doing - that doesn’t mean you are wrong it simply means they are on a different mission

Just because I don’t share your passion and enthusiasm for something that doesn’t mean you are on the wrong track… And it doesn’t mean I am not hearing from God if I don’t get on board with you - you know we can all have different jobs to do

One body - many parts - each doing our bit means everything gets done

There are lots of things we do together

But there are lots of things we will do alone as well

Not everyone is going to get you - or get your mission - and that’s ok

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The Promise and The Purpose #54 - It's not always easy, but it is always worth it

Don’t fall into the trap of treating faith like a magic spell - if only you can say the right thing, do the right thing, declare the right thing then you will get your miracle. There is no magic formula.

Jesus treats us all as individuals, and looking at two more reports of Jesus’ healing miracles we find him doing it differently once again.

This week learn how to:

Deal with decision fatigue

Spot the dangerous voices that seek you harm

Learn how not to judge others when they say or do something that upsets you

Realise who is the real church and your role within it

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