Good News Shoes

Little soles need looking after. Good News Shoes provides free school shoes to children in Malmesbury who need them.


 How does it work?


Donate to Good News Shoes

We give a bundle of Good News Shoes vouchers to selected schools and the school distributes the vouchers to families who will benefit.  Our aim is to offer a free shoes voucher to every child who qualifies for free school meals.  The team at Good News Shoes does not know who the vouchers go to, this is managed by the team at your child’s school, and we are never told.  

The voucher pack explains how to redeem your voucher in the Clark’s shoe shop in Malmesbury.

Which Schools are participating?

We are currently piloting the scheme with St Joseph’s School in Malmesbury

Why do we do it?

We do it because little soles need looking after.  Raising kids is hard enough and money worries just add to the stress.  We noticed that there is a gap in the help provided to families with young children, so we decided to step in and do what we could.  One of the most expensive recurring costs for children’s schooling is keeping shoes on those little feet that just keep on growing.  Worries about money could mean that shoes keep being worn when they don’t fit anymore, or they start to let in the rain.  School can be hard enough without having to sit through the day with sore or wet feet or being made fun of because your shoes are falling apart.  It may seem like a little thing, but we hope it will mean a lot to the children who enjoy wearing their comfy new shoes.

We believe every child is precious and full of potential.  There is a story in the Bible where Jesus tells his disciples to make a way for children, and not to hold them back from visiting him.  We hope and pray that in our little way, comfy shoes and dry feet help children make the most out of their school day and so we make a way for them to enjoy life and reach their full God given potential. 

We do it because little souls need looking after.

Want to know more?

Because the Good News Shoes scheme is anonymous, we do not know who receives the vouchers. But if you want to introduce yourself, we would love to say hello and send you and your child a gift of a book of bible stories about the Jesus we serve who cares for every child.

Simply fill in the form below and we will send your gift in the post

Donate to Good News Shoes

If you are able to support the Good News Shoes project, you can make a donation by Bank Transfer or by pressing the button to make an online donation.

Bank Transfer

Make a donation to the Good News Shoes fund at Hope Church:

Account Name: Hope Churches

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Number: 00023040

Reference: Good News Shoes

Please also fill in a Gift Aid form so we can increase your gift by 20% at no cost to you (if you are a UK tax payer)

Online Donation

Donate to Good News Shoes